Our mandate is to:
- Conserve and promote the conservation and wise use of natural resources
- To improve and restore fish, wild game and their habitats
- To promote good sportsmanship afield
- to improve and assist in improving forests, soil, vegetation and natural scenic and recreational facilities
- To restore and assist in the restoration of unpolluted air and water
- To give donations for charitable purposes
- To cooperate with other organizations, whether incorporated or not, which have objects similar, in whole or in part, to the objects of the corporation
We offer:
- 49 acres
- Rifle range
- Archery Range
- Trap houses
- Skeet houses
- Membership is $100/year and you must attend at least 2 meetings/year
- Members meetings on the 2nd and 4th Monday every month.
Sporting clays are Thursday at 4:30 pm, Skeet and trap shooting are at 1:00pm on Sunday.
Ask us about our fish frys!
We are located at 3451 Mandaumin Road. For more information, call 519-882-2124.
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